🐕 Talking in Caves & Pen on Paper Notes 🤦 - Issue 5

Blue Yeti Microphone & Otter AI

Retrieving the best in tech for you!

What’s On My Mind?
How Clear Are You really?

We live in a world where it's important to understand each other clearly, whether we're at work or just talking to friends and family.

These days, many people work from home, which can create unique challenges in communication with poor software and hardware. The shift to remote work has made it more challenging to pick up on tone and context, which are often crucial for effective communication. 

Worried that during a conversation, you might not catch everything that was said?

It may be time for a microphone upgrade. The built in microphones in laptops are mediocre and the many of the corded and blue tooth options for cell phones are not much better.

And do people you speak with hear static, echoes, volume that is too quiet, your dog barking, your dishwasher running?


AI Software
Otter AI

Otter AI

Have you felt overwhelmed in a meeting and you aren’t sure if you wrote down all the important information?

Why worry if there’s a tool that creates transcripts and creates the meeting minutes for you.

Otter AI is a tool that turns spoken words into text.

Instead of writing down everything in a meeting, Otter AI can do it for you. This gives you more time to focus on what's being said. 

If you missed something, you can easily go back and read the transcript.

If you’re an individual, Get started for free by choosing their basic plan here: https://otter.ai/signup

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Blue Yeti Microphone

Adjust your voice with this tool and create fun effects!

You don't have to worry about sounding different; you can add effects or change your pitch!

This is a high-quality microphone that can record your voice and alter its sound in real-time.

Perfect for streamers or content creators who engage with different people daily.

This microphone is made of metal to ensure its longevity and has a shock mount which helps protect the microphone from vibrations and bumps.

Check out Logitech’s website to learn more: